
Welcome to the second USATT sanctioned tournament at the Arkansas Table Tennis Academy!

Updated January 17, 2020:  We have updated the tournament to reflect actual entries.

Also, extra events have been added (see more details in the updated tournament announcement below):

We invite you to help us celebrate the new year in a festive, friendly, and competitive environment on Saturday and Sunday, January 18 and 19, 2020.  This tournament provides a variety of events over the weekend to give players more opportunities to compete for cash prizes and tournament rating points.  Throughout the tournament we will be giving away door prizes to participants.

Who are the Tournament Sponsors?

Thank you to our local sponsor Edward Henkel, DVM & Mary Henkel, DVM of Stuttgart Animal Clinic in Stuttgart, Arkansas!

How do I enter the tournament?

Visit our Omnipong Tournament Listing to register and pay online.  If you don't have an account, the link will take you to the account creation page at Omnipong, and then you will be able to register for the tournament.  If you browse all the tournaments at, just look under Arkansas for our tournaments.  You can also mail your completed/signed entry form (DOWNLOAD PDF ENTRY FORM) and check payable to "ARKTTA" to ARKTTA/Mike Lauro, 415 N. McKinley St., Suite 135K, Little Rock, AR  72204 (different from tournament site).  If you need special arrangements to pay, please contact Mike Lauro at 501-291-3142.

How can I support this tournament and table tennis in Arkansas even if I can't make it?

Donate to our PayPal Giving Fund -- The Arkansas Table Tennis Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit which relies on membership and donations from generous individuals and organizations.  Your donation through our PayPal Giving Fund will ensure that we receive 100% of your donation with PayPal waiving it's customary fees.  The investment we receive from donations stays in the academy and is used to grow the sport of table tennis in Arkansas. 

How does the Team Event work?

As of Friday, January 17, the team event is full.  We have 5 2-player teams.  The event will consist 3 rounds.  The first round will be a doubles round robin for all the teams.  The second round will be a round robin of the 5 higher rated players on a team.  The second round will be a round robin of the 5 lower rated players on a team.  After all 3 rounds are completed, the teams will be ranked 1st through 5th based on performance.  Prize money will be given for all places!  

The entry fee is still $100 per team, and the prize money is as follows (per team): 1st - $160, 2nd - $100, 3rd - $80, 4th - $40, 5th - $20.

What is the estimated time schedule for Saturday and Sunday?

Saturday Schedule:

Hall opens:  8:45 am
Registration/practice:  9:00 am
Announcements:  9:45 am
Group Photo prior to start of tournament

Team Matches (estimated schedule based on 10am start time):

Round 1 (Doubles RR):  10:00 am - 11:45 am

Round 2 (Higher Rated Singles RR):  12:00 - 1:45 pm

Round 3 (Higher Rated Singles RR):  2:00 - 3:45 pm

Awards/photos:  3:45 - 4:00 pm

Double Elimination

Double Elimination Matches:  4:00 - 6:00 pm

Awards/photos:  6:00 - 6:15 pm

JOOLA Mini Table Challenge: 

JOOLA Mini Table Matches:  6:15 - 7:15 pm



Sunday Schedule for Open Singles Round Robin:

Hall opens:  8:00 am
Registration/practice:  8:30 am
Announcements:  9:15 am
Group Photo prior to start of tournament

9:30 - 10:30 Open RR Flight 1
Table 1: Group 1 RR
Table 2: Group 2 RR
Table 3: Group 3 RR

10:35 - 11:35 Open RR Flight 2
Table 1: Group 4 RR
Table 2: Group 5 RR
Table 3: Group 6 RR

All players from Groups 1-6 advance to Divisional RR based on finishing position in their group. First place --> Division 1, Second Place --> Division 2, Third Place --> Division 2. (Each division will have 2 groups of 3 players)

11:45 - 12:45 Open RR Divisional Play
Table 1: Division 1, Group 1 RR
Table 2: Division 2, Group 1 RR
Table 3: Division 3, Group 1 RR

12:55 - 1:55 Open RR Divisional Play
Table 1: Division 1, Group 2 RR
Table 2: Division 2, Group 2 RR
Table 3: Division 3, Group 2 RR

2:05 - 2:25
Table 1: Division 1 Semifinal #1
Table 2: Division 2 Semifinal #1
Table 3: Division 3 Semifinal #1

2:30 - 2:50
Table 1: Division 1 Semifinal #2
Table 2: Division 2 Semifinal #2
Table 3: Division 3 Semifinal #2

3:00 - 3:30
Table 1: Division 1 Final
Table 2: Division 2 Final
Table 3: Division 3 Final

3:30 - 3:45
Open RR awards/photos

Hardbat Singles Round Robin

Hardbat Matches:  4:00 - 6:00 pm

Awards/photos:  6:00 - 6:15 pm

JOOLA Mini Table Challenge: 

JOOLA Mini Table Matches:  6:15 - 7:15 pm



Official Tournament Announcement:

 (if you have trouble viewing the table below on your mobile device, try selecting the browser option for "Desktop Site")

Arkansas Table Tennis Academy

2020 January U3200 Teams (Sat)

Open Singles RR (Sun)

Over $800 in Cash Prizes

USATT 2-Star Sanctioned, Jan 18 & 19, 2020



Arkansas Table Tennis Academy, 15716 MacArthur Dr., Unit C, North Little Rock, AR  72118.


Stuttgart Animal Clinic (Stuttgart, Arkansas) by Edward & Mary Henkel, DVM


Director/Referee:  Mike Lauro (CR/CU), and other club umpires.  (Call/text Mike 501-291-3142)

Equipment, Conditions

3 ITTF/USATT-approved tables (JOOLA 3000SC, Donic Waldner Classic 25); JOOLA Prime ABS White Plastic Ball; Red tournament flooring; high ceilings; fluorescent lighting 600-800 lux.


All USA Table Tennis rules apply. Except as otherwise noted, matches are best of 5 with games to 11. 2-minute warm up before matches.  Primary clothing color must not be white.


Open to all players.  Non-members of USATT may play with the purchase of a $20 playing pass.  USATT membership fees are as follows: Adult (Age 18>):  1-Yr/$75, 3-Yr/$210, 5-Yr/$325; College full-time:  1-Yr/$45; Junior (Age 17<):  1-Yr/$45 $45, 3 Year $125; Household: 1-Yr/$150 (2 adults, any number of children living at same address); Lifetime $1,300.  If you purchase a membership through ARKTTA for this tournament, USATT lets us keep a 10% commission to invest back into the academy.

Note:  USATT Ratings as of the tournament deadline will be used for event eligibility.



Start Times

Proposed Format



Saturday, Jan 18, 2019:  U3200 Team Tournament with Max Prize Money of $400

1.  10:00 am - Team Giant Round Robin:  Entry fee is $100 per team.  Limit 6 Teams of 2 or more players.  Each team plays a tie against the other teams in the format of 2 singles, 1 doubles, 2 singles.  Doubles pair combined rating must be U3200. IMPORTANT:  For team criteria of more than 2 players, visit tournament web page at for details.

Note:  Prize money is adjusted for the 5 teams entered: 1st - $160, 2nd - $100, 3rd - $80, 4th - $40, 5th - $20.

2.  4:00 pm (or after Team event ends):  Double Elimination Event

Entry fee is included in Team entry, otherwise anyone can play for $10.  Instead of giving a prize to the winner, there will be a random drawing for a prize to be determined.  For each match you win you will get 2 entries into the drawing.  For each match you lose, you will get 1 entry.  Prize is to be determined.

3.  6:15 pm (may start during the double elimination event to save time):  JOOLA Mini Table Challenge (Livestreamed on ARKTTA Facebook)

Each match is 1 game to 21, and you must win by 2.  Serves will be 2 x 2.  You can use your own paddle.  But the tables will be JOOLA mini connect tables (regulation height, equal in size to 1/4 of a regulation table), and the ball will be an oversized JOOLA Elephant Ball.  Those who enter this event will get a pack of JOOLA Paddle Cleaning Wipes while supplies last.  First place gets choice of JOOLA glue kit, or large JOOLA spray cleaner and cleaning sponge.  Finalists get to keep a JOOLA elephant ball. There may be some other JOOLA swag thrown in depending on supplies on hand.

Sunday, Jan 19, 2019:  Open Singles Round Robin with Prize Money over $400

1.  9:30 am - Open Singles RR ($35):  Limit 18 with 6 groups of 3.  All advance to Division 1/2/3 RR in 2 groups of 3.  In each Div., top 2 in each group go to semi-final. Award Certificates and Prize Money for top 3 players in each division based on total entry fees for this event.  Div 1: 1st/$120, 2nd/$70, 3rd/$50.  Div 2: 1st/$50, 2nd/$40, 3rd/$30.  Div 3: 1st/$30, 2nd/$20, 3rd/$10

2.  4:00 pm or after Open Singles ends:  Hardbat Singles Round Robin

Hardbat rules are different from regular USATT event rules.  The main differences are described below and can be found online at

1. You need to play with an approved hardbat paddle (I have 2 of them at the academy that anyone is welcome to use)
2. Matches will be best 2/3
3. Games will be to 21 points instead of 11 (still have to win by 2)
4. Serves will be 5 x 5.
5. The ball will white in color, and will be 38mm celluloid ball

3.  6:15 pm (may start during the double elimination event to save time):  JOOLA Mini Table Challenge (Livestreamed on ARKTTA Facebook)

See description above. 

Note:  Matches must be played for award of cash prizes which may be adjusted based on entries. Live streaming of some matches will be done on Facebook.  The JOOLA Mini Table Challenge matches will be livestreamed on the ARKTTA Facebook page:


For Saturday Events:  Register by 5:00 pm on Friday, January 17.  No late fee.

For Sunday Events:  Register by 5:00 pm on Saturday, January 18.  No late fee.

Check-in 20 minutes before event.

Food & Door Prizes

Light snacks, bottled water, sports drinks for sale.  Free use of hot/cold water dispenser. Restaurants in 2 miles:  Subway, Jim’s Razorback Pizza, Smoke Shack Bar-B-Q, Waffle House, KFC, McDonald’s, Taco El Madero’s.  Door prizes will be given away throughout both days.


Practice Friday 6:00-8:00 pm; Practice/registration on Sat/Sun at 9:00 am.


For tournament updates, check your email or visit


Thank You!

Donate to our PayPal Giving Fund: to support our tournaments and programs, including youth development, coaching camps, and fundraisers.


Register and pay online at See Entry Form for more options. Call with questions.

Written by Mike Lauro Mike Lauro
Category: Tournaments Tournaments
Last Updated: January 20, 2020 January 20, 2020
Hits: 3034 3034