
Welcome to the first USATT sanctioned tournament at the Arkansas Table Tennis Academy!

We invite you to help us celebrate our 1 year anniversary in a festive, friendly, and competitive environment on Saturday and Sunday, December 7 and 8, 2019.  This tournament provides a variety of events over the weekend to give players more opportunities to compete for cash prizes and tournament rating points.  Throughout the tournament we will be giving away door prizes to participants.

Who's sponsoring?

Thank you to our local sponsor Edward and Mary Henkel of Stuttgart Animal Clinic in Stuttgart, Arkansas!

How do I enter the tournament?

You may register and pay online at the Omnipong Tournament Listing (look under Arkansas) for this tournament, or mail your completed/signed entry form (DOWNLOAD PDF ENTRY FORM) and check payable to "ARKTTA" to ARKTTA/Mike Lauro, 415 N. McKinley St., Suite 135K, Little Rock, AR  72204 (different from tournament site).  If you need special arrangements to pay, please contact Mike Lauro at 501-291-3142.

How can I support this tournament and table tennis in Arkansas even if I can't make it?

Donate to our PayPal Giving Fund -- The Arkansas Table Tennis Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit which relies on membership and donations from generous individuals and organizations.  Your donation through our PayPal Giving Fund will ensure that we receive 100% of your donation with PayPal waiving it's customary fees.  The investment we receive from donations stays in the academy and is used to grow the sport of table tennis in Arkansas. 

What are the tournament details?

The tournament announcement is below and also included in the DOWNLOAD PDF ENTRY FORM.


Arkansas Table Tennis Academy, 15716 MacArthur Dr., Unit C, North Little Rock, AR  72118.


Stuttgart Animal Clinic (Stuttgart, Arkansas)


Director/Referee:  Mike Lauro (CR/CU), and other club umpires.  (Call/text Mike 501-291-3142)

Equipment, Conditions

3 ITTF/USATT-approved tables (JOOLA 3000SC, Donic Waldner Classic 25); JOOLA Prime ABS White Plastic Ball; Red tournament flooring; high ceilings; fluorescent lighting 600-800 lux.


All USA Table Tennis rules apply. Matches (except handicap) are best of 5. Games to 11. 2-minute warm up before matches.  Primary clothing color must not be white.


Open to all players.  Non-members of USATT may play with the purchase of a $20 playing pass.  USATT membership fees are as follows: Adult (Age 18>):  1-Yr/$75, 3-Yr/$210, 5-Yr/$325; College full-time:  1-Yr/$45; Junior (Age 17<):  1-Yr/$45 $45, 3 Year $125; Household: 1-Yr/$150 (2 adults, any number of children living at same address); Lifetime $1,300.

Note:  USATT Ratings as of the tournament deadline will be used for event eligibility.


Entry Fees

Estimated Start Times

Proposed Format


Saturday, Dec 7, 2019

9:30 am - Open Singles RR ($30):  Limit 18.  6 groups of 3.  All advance to Division 1/2/3 RR.  In each Div., top 2 go to S/F. Div. 1 1st $200, 2nd $75.  Div. 2 & 3 winners get award certificates.

3:45 pm - Open Doubles ($20/team):  Limit 9 teams.  3 Groups of 3. Top team advances to final RR of 3 teams.  1st place - $100 / team, 2nd place - $50 / team. 3rd place gets award certificate.

5:15 pm - Handicap Singles ($10):  Limit 16. Single elimination. Matches are 1 game to 31, serves are 2x2. Winner - $100.  Unrated players must be approved by director for accurate rating estimate.

Sunday, Dec 8, 2019

9:30 am - Under 2100 RR ($15):  Limit 9.  3 groups of 3.  All advance to Division 1/2/3 Final RR.

12:00 pm - Under 1600 RR ($15):  Limit 9.  3 groups of 3.  All advance to Division 1/2/3 Final RR.

2:30 pm - Under 1200 RR ($15):  Limit 9.  3 groups of 3.  All advance to Division 1/2/3 Final RR. 

Cash prizes for Sunday events:  Div. 1 1st $40, 2nd $20. Div 2 & 3 winners get award certificates.

Note:  Matches must be played for award of cash prizes which may be adjusted based on entries.  


Register by Wed., Dec. 4, 2019, or $5 late fee.  Check-in 20 minutes before event.

Food & Door Prizes

Light snacks, water, sports drinks for sale.  Free use of hot/cold water dispenser. Restaurants in 2 miles:  Subway, Jim’s Razorback Pizza, Smoke Shack Bar-B-Q, Waffle House, KFC, McDonald’s, Taco El Madero’s.  Door prizes will be given away throughout both days around event start times (must be present to win).


ARKTTA will be open for practice on Friday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The facility opens on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. for practice and registration.


For tournament updates/announcements, check your email and visit


Thank You!

To support our tournaments and programs, including youth development, please consider donating through our PayPal Giving Fund:  

Written by Mike Lauro Mike Lauro
Category: Tournaments Tournaments
Last Updated: December 4, 2019 December 4, 2019
Hits: 2970 2970