
Welcome to the third USATT sanctioned tournament at the Arkansas Table Tennis Academy!

Our March 7-8, 2020 weekend tournament includes junior singles and doubles, open singles, rated singles and doubles, and hardbat singles and doubles.  For more details, download the entry form or visit (official tournament software of USA Table Tennis).

You can enter/register/pay at Omnipong using the link:  Omnipong Registration for ARKTTA Mar 7-8 2020 Junior Weekend Tournament (you'll need to create an Omnipong account if you don't already have one...logging in will take you to the registration page for the tournament.)

Saturday, Mar 7, 2020  (Daily Prize Money: $275)

Sunday, Mar 8, 2020  (Daily Prize Money: $560)

Note:  Prize money may be adjusted for any event by dollar amount and finishing position.  Matches must be played for cash awards.  Live streaming of some matches will be done on Facebook.

Who are the Tournament Sponsors?

Thank you to our local sponsor Edward Henkel, DVM & Mary Henkel, DVM of Stuttgart Animal Clinic in Stuttgart, Arkansas!

How do I enter the tournament?

Visit our Omnipong Tournament Listing to register and pay online.  If you don't have an account, the link will take you to the account creation page at Omnipong, and then you will be able to register for the tournament.  If you browse all the tournaments at, just look under Arkansas for our tournaments.  You can also mail your completed/signed entry form (DOWNLOAD PDF ENTRY FORM) and check payable to "ARKTTA" to ARKTTA/Mike Lauro, 415 N. McKinley St., Suite 135K, Little Rock, AR  72204 (different from tournament site).  If you need special arrangements to pay, please contact Mike Lauro at 501-291-3142.

How can I support this tournament and table tennis in Arkansas even if I can't make it?

Donate to our PayPal Giving Fund -- The Arkansas Table Tennis Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit which relies on membership and donations from generous individuals and organizations.  Your donation through our PayPal Giving Fund will ensure that we receive 100% of your donation with PayPal waiving it's customary fees.  The investment we receive from donations stays in the academy and is used to grow the sport of table tennis in Arkansas. 

Group Photos from our previous tournament in January 2020:


Written by Mike Lauro Mike Lauro
Category: Tournaments Tournaments
Last Updated: July 1, 2020 July 1, 2020
Hits: 3418 3418